Popular Dates Varieties

Mazafati Dates manufacturer,www.livco.eu

Popular Dates Varieties

There are several types of Dates products in the world. Some of them are as below:

Barhi, Dayri, Piarom, Deglet Noor, Mazafati, Halawy, Khadrawy, Medjool, Thoory, Zahidi, Rabi, Sayer, Kaluteh, Shahani, Khasooie, etc.

Generally, Iranian most popular Dates types are Fresh Dates (called Mazafati or KIMIA Dates), Zahidi, Piarom, Kaluteh (Called Kaliteh dates) Sayer, Kebkab, and Rabi.

Dates are dividing by the moisture content of the products, Fresh Dates with the level of 18-23 %, Semi Dried Dates with the moisture of 14-18 %, and Dried Dates with lower 14% of moisture.

The most popular of fresh dates that have a big demand in the EU markets is Mazafati Dates (Called KIMIA in some regions)

This Dates fruit is soft and so delicious, both conventional and organic Mazafati dates are available to export. The farms of the Mazafati dates are Bam, Jiroft, and Kahnooj area. The taste and quality of these areas are different totally. The most popular and healthy products are from Bam in Kerman.

More than 50 % of Dates business in Europe has been done in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Netherland, Spain, Italy, Greece, and the Czech Republic are the most dates importer during last few years.

Finally, some of the big supermarket chains in the EU are interested in the Fresh Dates (Mazafati Dates). COOP Trading A/S, ICA are some examples. However, the challenges for quality and delivery time are the big challenges that are remained to improve in this category.

Livco is a Dates exporter, which means Dates supplier for Iranian Fresh Dates (also called Iranian Mazafati Dates or Kimia Dates), and Dried Dates. We help international Dates Buyer to find the best Fresh Dates price at the highest quality based on the dates market requirements. Dates wholesale in bulk (B2B) is our professional trade service for the customers.


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Email: info@livco.eu

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